Sagittarius Horoscope

May 18, 2024… You could get inspired to reconnect with someone close to you today, Sagittarius. Have you gotten so caught up in a routine lately that you’ve failed to make one-on-one time for someone closest to you? If so, you may need to make some adjustments to revitalize your relationship. Go out to dinner or do something fun together that you usually don’t do. You don’t even need to spend a dime. Doing even one small unexpected, but pleasant thing can change the entire relationship for the better.

Today’s Soul Advice: Don’t hide your anger. Talk to someone, hit a punching bag, or exercise to let off steam. Anger has the tendency to boil over or impact you physically if pushed to the side for too long. So before you try to let it go, allow yourself to feel it. Just like any negative emotion, you have to acknowledge and accept it before you can move past it to the next adventure.


How to Be Happy When You’re Depressed

How to Be Happy When You’re Depressed

Do not mistake depression with feelings of sadness. They are vastly different. Depression is...