It’s hard to fathom, if you haven’t experienced it yourself, that you could slip out of your body when half asleep and look down on yourself from the outside. People across the world for centuries have claimed out of body experiences, leaving many to wonder whether it’s neurological, or perhaps instead — spiritual.
Studies Say…
After years and years of out of body experience reports, science is finally starting to take a more serious look into the matter. According to a 2007 study report on a researcher who experimented with inducing out of body experiences, around ten percent of people claim such fantastic experiences. While in some cases this sort of thing can be caused by drugs, it can also come on during near-death experiences or meditation. Some people have even indicated that it can happen during ordinary actions like running around or talking. Amazing, right?
A Connection to the Universe
Well, we do know that out of body experiences are more likely to happen if the person is relaxed mentally and physically. Most people who’ve had them describe themselves as floating above their bodies and observing everything around them from a distance.
So if you’ve ever had such an experience happen to you, you’re certainly not the only one. The phenomenon that’s mystified researchers for years is still happening all over the world, and for many it’s evidence of a soul — an afterlife. If you feel disconnected to your body temporarily, it could indicate a stronger connection to the greater universe, where our souls are meant to go after we die. Most of all, it means we’re still just scratching the surface in learning about our place in this vast realm of space and time — and whatever may lie beyond it.