
You can. It isn’t an “if” or a “maybe”. You’re capable as an star in the Universe… and you’re here to do amazing things. No one is better at being you than YOU. So, we at Soulvibe want to inspire your heart and soul on your way through the world.

A Simple Powerful Self Compassion Method

A Simple, Powerful Self-Compassion Method

When we’re frustrated with others, or feeling bad about ourselves … we often turn toward habits that comfort us: Distractions Food Shopping Smoking Drugs/alcohol These...
Meditation for Beginners 20 Practical Tips for Understanding the Mind

Meditation For Beginners: 20 Practical Tips For Understanding The Mind

The most important habit I’ve formed in the last 10 years of forming habits is meditation. Hands down, bar none. Meditation has helped me to...
Let Everything Breathe

Let Everything Breathe

As you sit here reading these words, you are breathing … stop for a moment and notice this breath. You could control the breath, and...
The Benefits of Walking...

The Benefits of Walking…

Thinking about adding more physical activity to your day? Walking can be a great way to get more active. Try these tips to help make...
The Habits of Happiness

The Habits Of Happiness

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. ~Dalai Lama BY LEO BABAUTA I’m not one who believes you can be happy all...
Practicing Non Judgment

Practicing Non-Judgment

We go through our day judging our experiences, other people, ourselves: this is good, this is bad. If all goes well, most of it...
The Truth About Your Uncertain Life Path & Purpose

The Truth About Your Uncertain Life Path And Purpose

If you’re in your 20s or even 30s, you might feel a lot of uncertainty all the time — you aren’t sure what your...
The Joy of Letting Go of Stress

The Joy Of Letting Go Of Stress

The holiday season can generally be one of the most stressful times of year. That’s on top of most families being so stressed they...
How to Be Happy When You’re Depressed

How to Be Happy When You’re Depressed

Do not mistake depression with feelings of sadness. They are vastly different. Depression is a mood disorder that causes prolonged feelings of sadness and...
How To Reach Your Weight Loss Goals...

How To Reach Your Weight Loss Goals…

It’s always a good time to resolve to eat better, be more active, and lose weight. For the more than 2 out of 3...

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