Are you working day after day and just not getting ahead? It can almost seem sometimes that one day flows into the next and you can’t seem to get ahead. This is such a common thing in today’s society and the stress isn’t helping any of us be happier.
Yet happiness is a key to get off this never-ending carousel. While happiness is a choice you can make each day — even if you have to fake it until you make it — there is a foundation you can begin building right now. It’s called purpose.
Finding Purpose
Allow yourself to answer what pulls you to it. What do you really want to be doing with your life? What can you do for yourself or for others that makes you feel like you’re making a difference in this world? If you start there (or even start seeking what that would mean to you) you will see your joy for life increase.
When your joy for life increases, you can make career choices that are in line with that feeling of purpose. The truth is that people tend to be more successful financially when they are doing what they love and what fulfills them for a living. Even if you choose to volunteer, often this can open doors for you that can help your career, too. Make no mistake: Happiness, joy, and purpose are all connected to wealth and success, and your soul is just as deserving of that as anyone else’s. Follow what pulls you and you may be surprised with what begins to follow you.