Psychologists have long been fascinated by the idea of the ego, and I don’t mean how someone who is full of themselves has an ego. The ego is considered the center of the human consciousness, with all our known memories, thoughts, emotions, as well as the feeling of having an identity. As you may have heard, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The human experience is also fueled by our personal and collective unconscious. An understanding of these can be used in horoscopes to help people solve problems and feel great.
The Ego and The Unconscious
Psychologist Carl Jung put in a lot of time investigating and developing the idea of the ego, the top layer of the human consciousness. The ego is everything we knowingly experience, including recallable memories, our thoughts, and identifiable emotions. The ego reflects our drive and our sense of. “I am.” Sometimes our ego isn’t in line with our unconscious and this causes internal turmoil for us.
Our individual unconscious is aptly named because it’s basically the stuff we temporarily can’t remember or that we’ve repressed.These memories come from each individual’s experiences. It’s concerned with the present and the future. Deeper down is our collective unconscious, described as a shared collection of memories which all humans have. Our ancestors passed down these memories to us, including archetypes and other universal ideas or images.
The Ego and Horoscopes
The ego in psychology is much like the Sun Sign in astrology. Our horoscopes use this Sun ego archetype to help people solve problems. The ego, despite its reputation for being something we all need to lose, isn’t an inherently bad thing. If we understand it, get insight into who we are, and make choices to be the highest potential of ourselves — there is no telling what we can can accomplish or draw into our lives. So, pull up a chair and get to know your ego a bit more deeply. You might just find that there is far more to you than you ever imagined.